“ | Just as there are seven vices among mortals, there are seven virtues among the gods. The personification of humility seated on her heavenly throne calls out: "Psychomachia, in humility." Countless angels flock to the skies in response.
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Absolute Modesty is a follower for the Portalcraft class.
Accelerate (1): Deal X damage to an enemy follower. X equals the number of Artifact cards in your deck.
Fanfare: Enhance (7) - Gain the ability to evolve for 0 evolution points. Subtract 1 from the cost of all Artifact cards in your hand.
Evolve: Give your leader the following effect - At the end of your turn, deal X damage to a random enemy follower. If no enemy followers are in play, deal X damage to the enemy leader instead. X equals the number of allied Artifact cards with different names destroyed during this match. (This effect is not stackable and lasts for the rest of the match.)
- Played: Humiltiy quells pride.
- Attacking: The answer lies within.
- Evolved: Mortals should learn to be content.
- Death: What arrogance.
- Enhance: You are incomplete.
- Accelerate: Vice, virtue, pride, humiltiy.
Evolved Flair[]
The seven virtues each rout one of the seven sins. Seeing greed fester in the earth below, a gentle voice calls out: "Mortals shall learn to be content." Countless angels descend to ensure that the statement becomes reality.