Shadowverse Wiki

"If you do not have enough play points to play a card, it can be played as a spell instead for the Accelerate cost. Only the Accelerate effects will activate when a card is played this way."

— In-Game Reminder

Accelerate is an evergreen keyword introduced in Brigade of the Sky which allows a follower to be played earlier in the match as a spell with a different effect by paying its Accelerate cost instead of the card's cost.

Accelerate is available for all Classes as cards with such effect allow for a more increased deck consistency. Out of all of them, Forestcraft is the one with the biggest arsenal of Accelerate followers, even getting an archetype centered around them during Fortune's Hand.


  • Accelerate costs are always lower than the card's cost.
  • Like Crystallize, Accelerate can only be done if the available play points are less than the original cost of the Accelerate follower. Otherwise, the card is played as a follower.
  • Reducing the cost of an Accelerate follower won't affect its Accelerate cost, which can be detrimental for certain cards.
  • Accelerate will function properly with Spellboost and other mechanics that interact with spells. However, Accelerate followers will not be affected by cards that would interact with spells while they are in hand or deck, such as Wizardess of Oz.
  • Artifact followers played by their Accelerate cost will count as played Artifacts for cards like Deus Ex Machina.


Category list of cards with Accelerate
