“ | An eye for an eye? Hah! Try a thief for a thief! No hard feelings, pal—I'm just here to do a job. You'll be giving back the royal treasure one way or another!
” |
Adept Thief is a follower for the Swordcraft class.
Fanfare: Choose - Put a Gilded Boots or Gilded Necklace into your hand.
- Played: It takes a thief to catch a thief.
- Attacking: Easy peasy let me squesy.
- Evolved: I totally got this.
- Death: Oh crap, this spotted me.
- VS Pyne, Holy Police: Looking foward to the next assignment.
Evolved Flair[]
It takes a thief to catch a thief! Whew, it sure is nice to be the good guy once in a while. I'll take gratitude and praise in place of treasure... this time.