“ | I'm not here to "crush" you. I just want to understand you!
” |
Armor Burst is a spell for the Dragoncraft class introduced in Shadowverse Flame as Armor Purge.
Return an allied Armed follower to your hand and subtract 1 from its cost until the end of the turn.
내 무장 타입 추종자 하나를 손으로 돌려보내고 턴 종료까지 비용 -1.
Fait revenir dans votre main un combattant Arsenal allié. Jusqu'à la fin du tour, soustrait 1 point au coût PP de ce dernier. Met dans votre main Draco-Arme x 1.
Fai ritornare nella tua mano un difensore Equipaggiamento alleato e, fino alla fine del turno, sottrai 1 dal suo costo.
Du nimmst 1 verbündeten Vasallen (Typ "Waffe") in Dein Blatt zurück. Dessen Kosten werden bis Ende dieses Zuges um 1 gesenkt. 1 Drachenwaffe wird Deinem Blatt hinzugefügt.
Devuelve un combatiente Armamento aliado a tu mano y resta 1 de su costo hasta el final del turno.
Anime Ability[]
Put a copy of the highest-cost random allied Armed follower destroyed this match into your hand.
Summon a Draconic Weapon.
Recover 1 evolution point.
Full Art[]
Other Languages[]
Language | Name |
English | Armor Burst |
Japanese | アーマーパージ |
Korean | 아머 퍼지 |
Chinese | 武裝卸除 |
French | Éjection d'armure |
Italian | Disintegrazione dell'Armatura |
German | Rüstungswechsel |
Spanish | Desprendimiento de Armadura |