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Shadowverse Wiki
The sacred beast will grant its power only to those who devote the whole of their body and soul to the divine.

Beastly Vow is an amulet for the Havencraft class.


カウントダウン 2

ラストワード ホーリーフレイムタイガー1体を出す。

카운트다운 2

유언 성화의 맹호 하나를 전장에 소환.

倒數 2

謝幕曲 召喚1隻聖炎猛虎到戰場上。

Compte à rebours (2)

Dernières volontés : Invoque Tigre de flamme sacrée x 1.

Conto alla Rovescia (2)

Spirare: Evoca una Tigre del Fuoco Sacro.

Countdown (2)

Letzte Worte: 1 Heiliger Flammentiger wird beschworen.

Cuenta Regresiva (2)

Última Voluntad: invoca un Tigre del Fuego Sagrado.


This card is also created with:

Shadowverse: Evolve Ability[]

This card is put onto the field engaged.

Icon standCost1Icon, IconEngage, put this card into your cemetery: Summon a Holy Tiger token.


Icon standCost1IconこれをIconEngage墓場に置く:『ホーリータイガー』1体を出す。

Full Art[]

Other Languages[]

Language Name
English Beastly Vow
Japanese 詠唱:聖獣への誓い
Korean 영창: 맹세의 성수
Chinese 詠唱:聖獸之誓
French Aria : Serment bestial
Italian Voto alla Bestia Sacra
German Arie: Eid auf Rakshasa
Spanish Voto Bestial