Shadowverse Wiki
Why am I doing this? Because I'm Belphomet Ardelyte, and I was born superior. Not that Nerves gave me decent material to work with, but what can you expect from third-rate gods? You should be thanking me for turning this scrap heap into something halfway decent!

Belphomet, Ultimate Creator is a follower for the Portalcraft class.


Fusion: Machina cards

Whenever cards are fused to this card, if it's the second or fourth time this match and you have at least 3 play points, use 3 play points and summon an Armored Tentacle. If it's the third or fifth time and you have at least 3 play points, use 3 play points and summon an Assault Tentacle.

Fanfare: Summon a Tisiphone, Malignance Lives. Then, if this follower is fused with at least 1 card, summon an Alecto, Dissonance Lives. Then, if fused with at least 2 cards, summon a Megaera, Indignance Lives.


Evolved Flair[]

The cErEbRal oNe CaLleD Out to me. HiS sUpErIOrItY CoMPleX SumMoneD Me THuS. UntO him, VeSSelhOod WaS oFfEreD. But BeLPhoMeT ArDeLYtE was a fOOl. He dENiEd his oWN PoTeNtIal, tRaPped as hE was bY hIs OWn hUbrIs.


Full Art[]
