“ | Ah, my precious kitty familiars! I could just pet them and bury my face in their floof all day! They don't listen to a word I say and just kind of sleep all day... But that's what makes them so charming!
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Cat Summoner is a follower for the Runecraft class.
Fanfare: Put 2 Electrokitties into your hand.
- Played: Oh, I'm not the master in this relationship.
- Attacking: I~t's brushing time!
- Evolved: Ah! They're stepping on me~
- Death: Ahh~ Belly fluff~
- Ally/Enemy Cat Admiral: Oh my gosh. Can I give you scritches?
Evolved Flair[]
“ | Our servant's pats are all right and her brushing technique gets a passing grade. She's kinda slow and not really that great at magic... But I suppose that's part of her charm, meow.
—Cat Familiars |
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