Shadowverse Wiki
What is born must live, and that which lives must one day die. For you, that day is today. Embrace your fate, and know the cycle has made no mistakes. Come, beasts. Let us play our part.

Cernunnos is a follower for the Shadowcraft class.


Fanfare: Burial Rite - Draw a card.

Fanfare: If you've spent at least 20 shadows to perform Necromancy this match, Reanimate (10).

Evolve: Reanimate (4).


  • Play: "Live or die, the hunt is on, my beasts."
  • Attack: "Be glad."
  • Evolve: "You lived well. Now die."
  • Death: "This calls for a feast."

Evolved Flair[]


The more you sow, the more you reap. The harvests reaped clear beds for new seeds, and so nature's cycle of growth and prosperity continues. ...How would you like to be sown, beast?


Full Art[]
