Shadowverse Wiki
If you really love something, then you can never let it go! That's what my hero taught me!

Ren Kazamatsuri

Flame Soldier is a follower for the Swordcraft class.


Fanfare: Deal 1 damage to an enemy follower. If any damaged allied followers are in play, deal 2 damage instead and then deal 2 damage to the enemy leader.

(This card is Silver rarity)
Fanfare: Deal 1 damage to an enemy follower. If any damaged allied followers are in play, deal 4 damage instead.

Evolved Ability[]

Evolve: Subtract 2 from the cost of a Heroic follower in your hand.


  • Play: "Evildoers will be burned to a crisp!"
  • Attack: "Flaming impact!"
  • Evolve: "Let's heat things up!"
  • Death: "Is your stuff flame repellant or something?"

Evolved Flair[]

You might worry about being judged or not fitting in, but if it brings you joy, then that's all that matters!

—Ren Kazamatsuri

Full Art[]

