“ | Its radiance sears the eyes of the wicked. Its soaring divinity deflects the arms of the lowly. It is that which can and cannot be seen, that which is and is not. It is the untouchable armor of a god.
” |
Heavenly Aegis is a follower for the Havencraft class.
Reduce damage to this follower to 0.
Can't be affected by spells and effects except for those that change this card's attack or defense.
This card is also created with:
- Played: Haven must indulcts you.
- Attacking: Judgement.
- Evolved: Right justice should regin.
- Death: I walk hold to the earth.
- Alt Played: I'm haven's armor.
- Alt Attacking: You will be crushed.
- Alt Evolved: I am the bagether of justice.
- Alt Death: Fate is unescapable.
Evolved Flair[]
Shining white armor that epitomizes infallible justice. It moves in accordance with the dictates of divine retribution and rules the wicked and lowly with an iron fist. For them, judgment day has come.