Shadowverse Wiki
Shadowverse Wiki
Never underestimate a pro. My pride and resolve are on a different level.

Shiro Kiriyama

King of Vines is a follower for the Forestcraft class.


Accelerate (1): Draw a card. Put a King of Vines into your deck.

Invocation: At the start of your turn, if at least 15 allied Forestcraft followers have left play this match, invoke this card.


Fanfare: Gain +3/+3. Destroy an enemy follower.

This card is 18 cost with 8 attack (10 when Evolved) and 8 defense (10 when Evolved).

When this card is added to your hand, substract X from its cost. X equals the number of allied Fairies that have been destroyed during this match.
Whenever an allied Fairy is destroyed, subtract 1 from the cost of this card.


Strike: Reduce damage to this follower to 0 until the end of the turn.

Evolved Flair[]

Never underestimate a pro. Even if you get an edge on me, I won't go down without a fight!

—Shiro Kiriyama

Full Art[]

