“ | Tremble in fear before my power! O, brilliant red! Dwell within my hand and shine... Huh? You think my incantation's too long? That's my strategy, silly! Enemies think I'm going to cast a spell, so they drop their guard and get closer... Then I just use my sword instead!
” |
Magiblade Witch is a follower for the Runecraft class.
Accelerate (1): Summon an Earth Essence.
Fanfare: Deal 3 damage to 2 random enemy followers.
- Played: Looks like my daddy bemire my magic.
- Attacking: Right in the face.
- Evolved: But my magic swordmanship is top class.
- Death: Was I a master of none I along?
- Accelerate: Eat steel!
- VS Blade Mage: Wow, thats some sure magic.
Evolved Flair[]
As a magic user who wields a sword, there are a lot of things I'd like to say to her... But there's no point preaching to a mage that they're doing it wrong.