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Shadowverse Wiki
Well, of course, it began as just a teeny little chemical to help my dear plants grow. But the more I tinkered and toyed and experimented... Well, let's just say that now my dear plants grow however I want them to!

Magna Botanist is a follower for the Forestcraft class.


Fanfare: Give +1/+1 to all allied followers if at least 2 other cards were played this turn.

ファンファーレ このターン中に(このカードを含めず)カードを2枚以上プレイしていたなら、自分のフォロワーすべてを+1/+1する。

출격 이번 턴 동안 이 카드를 제외하고 카드를 2장 이상 사용했다면, 내 모든 추종자에게 +1/+1 부여.

入場曲 本回合中如果已經使用的卡片數為2張以上(不包含本卡片),則會給予自己的從者全體


Fanfare: Donne +1/+1 à tous vos combattants si vous avez déjà joué au moins 2 cartes (hormis celle-ci) durant ce tour.

Ostentazione: Se in questo turno sono state giocate almeno altre 2 carte, tutti i difensori alleati guadagnano +1/+1.

Fanfare: Verleiht allen verbündeten Vasallen +1/+1, wenn min. 2 weitere Karten während dieses Zuges ausgespielt wurden.

Preludio: si ya has jugado otras 2 o más cartas durante este turno, todos los combatientes aliados obtienen +1/+1.


  • Play: "Need a little pick-me-up?"
  • Attack: "How's this?"
  • Evolve: "This'll cure what ails ya!"
  • Death: "Wrong formula."

Evolved Flair[]

With this gift for plants, I've got a duty to protect the forest dwellers! Now then, everyone, come drink this secret medicine! One drop and you'll be bursting with power!

Full Art[]

Other Languages[]

Language Name
English Magna Botanist
Japanese マグナボタニスト
Korean 위대한 식물학자
Chinese 偉大的藥劑師
French Botaniste Magna
Italian Botanica Esperta
German Magna-Botanikerin
Spanish Botanista Magna