Shadowverse Wiki
Mauro's Spellcasting!

Shadowverse - 10 - Japanese

Maura no jubaku!
Air Date
June 9, 2020.
Theme Songs
Happiness Sensation
Featured Card
God of Curses
Episode Navigation
The Curtain Rises! A Beautiful Witch Show!
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Hiro vs. Luca!

Mauro's Spellcasting! is the tenth episode of the Shadowverse (anime). It aired in Japan on June 9, 2020.


The National Tournament is finally over! Hiro arrives at the semi-final and meets a mysterious boy, Mauro Abelard. Mauro plays a tricky card with a suspicious smile. One step closer to the final match with Luca. A battle that can never be defeated begins!

Featured Battles[]

Kai Ijūin VS Mauro Abelard - Mauro Wins

Kazuki Shindō VS Shiro Kiriyama (Off-Screen)

Luca Yonazuki VS Yuriko Midorikawa (Off-Screen)

Hiro Ryūgasaki VS Mauro Abelard - Hiro Wins

Turn 1 Mauro[]

Play Points 1

Mauro plays the cost 1 countdown amulet Summon Pegasus (Countdown 4), and ends his turn.

Turn 2 Hiro[]

Play Points 1

Hiro summons the cost 1 follower, Bejeweled Dragon (1/1) and ends his turn.

Turn 3 Mauro[]

Play Points 2

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass (Summon Pegasus 4-3). Mauro plays the cost 2 countdown amulet, Holy Sentinel (Countdown 5), and its Fanfare effect lowers its countdown by 1 for each follower and amulet on the opponent's field (Holy Sentinel (5-4). Mauro ends his turn.

Turn 4 Hiro[]

Play Points 2

Hiro summons the cost 2 follower Dragon Rider (2/2) and attacks Mauro's leader with Bejeweled Dragon (Mauro 20-19). Hiro ends his turn.

Turn 5 Mauro[]

Play Points 3

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass. (Summon Pegasus 3-2, Holy Sentinel 4-3. Mauro plays the cost 2 amulet, Beastcall Aria (Countdown 3) and ends his turn.

Turn 6 Hiro[]

Play Points 3

Hiro plays the cost 2 spell Dragon Oracle, giving him an empty play point (3-4). He attacks Mauro's leader with both of his followers (Mauro 19-18-16) and ends his turn.

Turn 7 Mauro[]

Play Points 4

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass (Summon Pegasus 2-1, Holy Sentinel 3-2, Beastcall Aria, 3-2). Mauro play's the cost 2 spell Hallowed Dogma, subtracting 2 from the countdown of an amulet and drawing a card, he selects Holy Sentinel (Holy Sentinel 2-0). Holy Sentinel's Last Words activate, summoning a Guardian Fox (4/5). Guardian Fox has Ward. Mauro then plays the cost 2 spell, Blackened Scripture, banishing an enemy follower with 3 defense or less, Mauro selects Dragon Rider and ends his turn.

Turn 8 Hiro[]

Play Points 5, can evolve, evolution points 3

Hiro plays the cost 2 follower Sandstorm Dragon (1/4) and the cost 3 follower Firstborn Dragon (2/3). Hiro evolves Firstborn Dragon (2/3-4/5, evolution points 3-2) and attacks Guardian Fox with the evolved Firstborn Dragon and Bejeweled Dragon (Firstborn Dragon 4/5-4/1, Bejeweled Dragon 1/1-1/0, Guardian Fox 4/5-4/4-4/0). Hiro ends his turn.

Turn 9 Mauro[]

Play Points 5, can evolve, evolution point 2

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass (Summon Pegasus 1-0, Beastcall Aria 2-1). Summon Pegasus' Last Words activate, summoning a Pegasus (5/3). Mauro summons the cost 3 follower, Sky Sprite (2/3). Sky Sprite's Fanfare effect gives an allied follower Rush, Mauro selects Pegasus. Mauro evolves Sky Sprite (2/3-4/5, evolution points,2-1) and attacks the evolved Firstborn Dragon with evolved Sky Sprite (Firstborn Dragon 4/1-4/1, Sky Sprite 4/5-4/1) and attacks Sandstorm Dragon with Pegasus (Sandstorm Dragon 1/4-1/0, Pegasus 5/3-5/2. Mauro plays the cost 1 countdown amulet Hare of Illusions (countdown 3) and ends his turn

Turn 10 Hiro[]

Play Points 6, evolution points 2

Hiro plays the cost 2 follower Mushussu (2/2) and the cost 4 follower Dragon Warrior (3/4). Hiro evolves Dragon Warrior (3/4-4/5, evolution points 2-1) and its evolution effect activates, dealing 3 damage to an enemy follower, Hiro selects Pegasus (5/2-5/0). Mushuss's effect activates, giving it 2 additional attack whenever another follower evolves (2/2-4/2). Hiro attacks evolved Sky Sprite with Dragon Warrior (Sky Sprite 4/1-4/0, Dragon Warrior 4/5-4/1). Hiro ends his turn.

Turn 11 Mauro[]

Play Points 6, evolution points 1

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass (Beastcall Aria 1-0, Hare of Illusions, 3-2). Beastcall Aria's Last Words activate, summoning a Holyflame Tiger (4/4) and a Holy Falcon (2/1). Holy Falcon has Storm. Mauro evolves Holyflame Tiger (4/4-6/6, evolution points 1-0) and Mushusse's effect activates (4/2-6/2). Mauro attacks Dragon Warrior (Holyflame tiger 6/6-6/2, Dragon Warrior 4/1-4/0) and attacks Mushussu with Holy Falcon (Holy Falcon 2/1-2/0, Mushussu 6/2-6/0). Mauro summons the cost 6 follower God of Curses (6/6) and ends his turn.

Turn 12 Hiro[]

Play Points 7, Overflow becomes active, evolution points 1

Hiro summons the cost 7 follower Ignis Dragon (3/5). Ignis Dragon's Fanfare effect activates, evolving it since Hiro has 2 or less cards in his hand (3/5-5/7). Hiro attacks God of Curses with Ignis Dragon and Ignis Dragon's Strike effect activates, inflicting 3 damage to all enemy followers and gaining 5 attack until the end of the turn (Holyflame Tiger 6/2-6/0, God of Curses 6/6-6/3, Ignis Dragon 5/7-10/7). Ignis Dragon battles God of Curses (God of Curses 6/3-6/0, Ignis Dragon 10/7-10/1). God of Curses Last Words activate summoning a God of Curses at the start of Mauro's next turn and evolving it. Hiro ends his turn and the attack of Ignis

Turn 13 Mauro[]

Play Points 7, evolution points 0

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass (Hare of Illusions 2-1) and A God of Curses is summoned to Mauro's field and is evolved by the destroyed God of Curses Last Words (6/6-0/6). Evolved God of Curses has Ambush. Mauro plays the cost 4 countdown amulet Tribunal of Good and Evil (Countdown 3) and its Fanfare activates, destroying a random follower, Ignis Dragon is destroyed. Mauro plays the cost 3 countdown amulet Divine Birdsong (countdown 2) and ends his turn. On the end of Mauro's turn, the evolved God of Curses' effect activates, reducing the opponent's maximum health by 5 (Hiro 20-15).

Turn 14 Hiro[]

Play Points 8, evolution points 1

Hiro summons the cost 3 follower, Imprisoned Dragon (4/3). Imprisoned Dragon cannot attack and has Ward. Hiro ends his turn

Turn 15 Mauro[]

Play Points 8, evolution points 0

The countdown of Mauro's amulet's pass (Hare of Illusions 1-0, Tribunal of Good and Evil 3-2, Divine Birdsong 2-1). Hare of Illusions Last Words activate, summoning a Dream Rabbit (1/2). Dream Rabbit has Ward. Mauro summons the cost 3 follower, Sister Initiate and its Fanfare effect activates, lowering the countdown of an allied countdown amulet by 1, Mauro selects Divine Birdsong (Divine Birdsong 1-0). Divine Birdsong's Last Words activate, summoning a Regal Falcon (3/4). Regal Falcon has Storm. Mauro attacks Imprisoned Dragon with Regal Falcon (Regal Falcon 3/4-3/0, Imprisoned Dragon 4/3-4/0) and ends his turn. The effect of the evolved God of Curses activates (Hiro 15-10).

Turn 16 Hiro[]

Play Points 9, evolution points 1

Hiro summons the cost 6 follower Wyvern Cavalier (5/5). Wyvern Cavalier's Fanfare effect activates, subtracting 2 from the cost of a card in Hiro's hand, Hiro selects Draconic Surge. Hiro summons the cost 2 follower Maelstrom Dragon (2/1). Maelstrom Dragon's Fanfare effect activates, giving it Storm since Overflow is active. Hiro attacks Dream Rabit with Maelstrom Dragon (Maelstrom Dragon 2/1-2/0, Dream Rabbit 1/2-1/0). The Last Words of Dream Rabbit activate, summoning a Hare of Illusions (Countdown 3). Hiro ends his turn.

Turn 17 Mauro[]

Play Points 9, evolution points 0

The countdown of Mauro's amulets pass (Hare of Illusions, 3-2, Tribunal of Good and Evil 2-1). Mauro summons the cost 3 follower, Cursed Maiden (1/2), and its Fanfare effect activates, lowering the countdown of an allied countdown amulet by 1 and its Fanfare effect activates, lowering the countdown of an allied countdown amulet by 1, Mauro selects Tribunal of Good and Evil (1-0). Tribunal of Good and Evil's Last Words activates, destroying a random enemy follower, Wyvern Cavalier is destroyed. Since a countdown amulet was destroyed, the effect of Cursed Maiden activates, adding a card with Last Words from Mauro's deck to his hand. Mauro summons the cost 6 follower God of Curses (6/6) and ends his turn. The effect of the evolved God of Curses activates (Hiro 10-5).

Turn 18 Hiro[]

Play Points 10, evolution points 1

Hiro summons the cost 7 follower, Hydra (5/5). Hydra can attack twice. Hiro plays the cost 5 Draconic Surge at cost 3 due to Wyvern Cavalier's effect lower its cost, and selects Hydra. Draconic Surge gives Hydra +1/+1 and Storm (Hydra 6/6). Hiro evolves Hydra (6/6-8/8) and attacks Mauro's leader twice (Mauro 16-8-0).

Featured Cards[]

Cards in italics debuted here.

Hiro's Deck
Followers Spells
Mauro's Deck
Followers Spells Amulets


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