“ | WANTED: NAHTNAUGHT'S THUGS. Bounty: 5000 gold per head. Offenses: Organizing crime, attacking saloons. Notes: Have standard uniform, look mean as hell.
” |
Naht's Henchman is a follower for the Swordcraft class.
Fanfare: Put a Dutiful Steed into your hand.
Last Words: Summon an enemy Steelclad Knight.
Dialogue (EN)[]
Played: "Got a job to do."
Attack: "Go on, git."
Evolve: "Gotta have pride in your gun arm."
Death: "That's enough for me."
Evolved Flair[]
“ | WANTED: NAHTNAUGHT'S THUGS. Must be alive. Known to employ group tactics, always looks for the high ground. Avoid their boss. She is NOT wanted.
” |