“ | Intruders! Get 'em! I can't believe you idiots would still dare to contaminate nature with your presence! We'll band together like never before and teach you to never come back!
” |
Nature's Warden is a follower for the Forestcraft class.
Fanfare: Enhance (9) - Summon a Nature's Warden. Select an enemy follower. It can't attack next turn.
- Played: We are the guardians of nature!
- Attacking: Regule like a jingle book!
- Evolved: Rige in hell, show your bravery.
- Death: Bananas.
- Enhance: We'll protect mother nature with our lives
Evolved Flair[]
Water is but another part of Mother Nature's kingdom! And we are a part of her will and fervor! Don't let your guard down, intruder—we're always watching!