Shadowverse Wiki
Gahaha! Me, one of the chosen? I ain't one for sailin' under someone else's colors—that's more cargo than I'm willing to hold. But if the crew be trustworthy, then I could be persuaded to weigh anchor!

—Rogers, A Hero's Tale, Pt. 2

Rogers, Ruler of the Seas is a follower for the Swordcraft class.


Accelerate (1): Summon a Cannoneer.
(Can only Accelerate if you've played a Loot card this turn.)

Fanfare: Put a Gilded Goblet into your hand. Recover 2 play points.

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Evolved Ability[]

Evolve: Summon a Cannoneer. Give your leader the following effect: Whenever you play a Loot card, if it's the first Loot card you've played this turn, recover 1 play point. If it's the second, deal 2 damage to the enemy leader. (This effect is not stackable and lasts for the rest of the match.)

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  • Play:
  • Attack:
  • Evolve:
  • Death:

Evolved Flair[]

There be as many pirates who've sailed the world as there be fathoms in the sea, but how many can say they've traversed the underworld and come back alive? Aye, I'll sail there, and bring the hero's soul back!

—Rogers, A Hero's Tale, Pt. 2

Full Art[]

Other Languages[]

Language Name
English Rogers, Ruler of the Seas
Japanese Japanese Name Here
Korean Korean Name Here
Chinese Chinese Name Here
French French Name Here
Italian Italian Name Here
German German Name Here
Spanish Spanish Name Here