Shadowverse Wiki
Shadowverse Wiki
All who dare speak ill of our flag are traitors!

Royal Banner is an amulet for the Swordcraft class.


Fanfare: Give +1/+0 to allied Officer followers.

Give +1/+0 to all allied Officer followers that come into play.

ファンファーレ 自分の兵士・フォロワーすべてを+1/+0する。


출격 병사 타입의 내 모든 추종자에게 +1/+0 부여.

내 전장에 병사 타입의 추종자가 소환될 때마다, 그 추종자에게 +1/+0 부여.

入場曲 給予自己的士兵從者全體+1/+0效果。


Fanfare : Donne +1/+0 à tous vos combattants Soldat.

Donne +1/+0 à chacun de vos combattants Soldat apparaissant sur le plateau de jeu.

Ostentazione: I difensori Soldato alleati guadagnano +1/+0.

Quando un difensore Soldato alleato entra in gioco, guadagna +1/+0.

Fanfare: Verleiht allen verbündeten Vasallen (Typ "Soldat") +1/+0.

Bei Erscheinen verbündeter Vasallen (Typ "Soldat") in Deiner Auslage: Verleiht diesen +1/+0.

Preludio: todos los combatientes Soldado aliados obtienen +1/+0.

Todos los combatientes Soldado que entran en juego obtienen +1/+0.

Shadowverse: Evolve Ability[]

IconFanfare Give each SwordcraftIcon follower on your field AttackIcon+1/DefenseIcon+1.

Whenever a SwordcraftIcon follower is put onto your field, give it AttackIcon+1/DefenseIcon+1.



Full Art[]

Other Languages[]

Language Name
English Royal Banner
Japanese 王家の御旗
Korean 왕가의 깃발
Chinese 皇家御用戰旗
French Bannière royale
Italian Stendardo Reale
German Königliche Standarte
Spanish Estandarte Real