“ | W-w-whoa! D-d-don't come any closer! The ghosts here aren't bad, they're friendly! Take one more step—and yer not leavin' this place alive!
” |
Spectral Sorceress is a follower for the Shadowcraft class.
내 다른 추종자가 소멸했을 때, 내 묘지 +1.
Lorsqu'un de vos combattants (hormis lui-même) est banni, augmente la défausse de 1.
Quando un altro difensore alleato viene bandito dal gioco, guadagni 1 ombra.
Bei Auslöschung verbündeter Vasallen (exklusive dieser Karte): Deinem Friedhof wird +1 Körper hinzugefügt.
Cada vez que otro combatiente aliado es exiliado, agrega una sombra a tu cementerio.
Evolved Ability[]
(Same as the unevolved form, excluding Fanfare.)
- Play:
- Attack:
- Evolve:
- Death:
Evolved Flair[]
“ | When everyone else abandoned me, they became my friends! Yeah they might seem cold at first glance, but you'll really warm to them! What I'm trying to say is, this graveyard's our home! Ya got a problem with that?!
” |
Full Art[]
Other Languages[]
Language | Name |
English | Spectral Sorceress |
Japanese | ゴーストフレンド |
Korean | 유령들의 친구 |
Chinese | 幽靈之友 |
French | Amie des fantômes |
Italian | Amica dei Fantasmi |
German | Freundin der Geister |
Spanish | Amiga de los Fantasmas |