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Tisiphone, Alecto and Megaera, also known as The Furies, are antagonists in Gears of Rebellion: Uprising, Invasion of the Worldreaver and Whispers of Purgation: Last Words. They are Belphomet's most powerful robots made from the bodies of the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth sentient androids he created and destroyed.


Being made from the bodies of the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth sentient androids Belphomet created with their previous memories deleted, the Furies are mindless automatons that blindly carry out Belphomet's orders.

However, during Invasion of the Worldreaver, the Furies regain their spark of sentience and use their power to break Belphomet's barrier and stop him before shutting down permanently.



Alecto was made from the second and thirds androids, Dri and Tri, Megaera was made from the fifth and sixth androids, Penta and Hexa, and Alecto was made from the seventh and eighth androids, Hepta and Okto.

The Furies weapons were based on her and her sister's abilities: Magera's weapon was based on Tetra's sound cannon, Alecto's was based on Aenea's ability to control other machines, and Tisiphone's were based on Mono's Alpha Drive.

Gears of Rebellion: Uprising[]

Belphomet is warned of an attack on the central tower by the resistance. Surprise by Tetra's act of bravery, Belphomet orders an increase in the production and deployment of his robot forces as well as the activation of The Furies.

Tetra and Isabelle struggle against Megaera's Wave Cannon. When Megaera prepares to fire its Wave Cannon again, Isabelle uses the gravity spell Eleanor taught her to throw off its aim. Tetra comes up with a plan to attack Maegara's weak point and works with Isabelle to disable Megaera's Wave Cannon. After the Wave Cannon is damaged, Megaera tries to fire a full power blasts. Tetra puts her plan into action and Isabelle uses her gravity magic to give her an opening to destroy the Wave Cannon. With the Wave Cannon destroyed, the power built up has no way to released and destroys Megarea. Though saddened by having to destroy her sister, Tetra vows to use those feelings for strength. With the factory destroyed, Tetra and Isabelle travel to the central tower for the real battle

Luna and Aenea's group fights against Alecto, but its Particle Mace Kotaehge allows it to revive previously destroyed enforcers. Recognizing Alecto's staff is the source of her power, Luna and Aenea confront Alecto. The two manage to nearly break the staff, but Alecto summons more enforcers and empowers them to self-destruct. When the first explosion fails to kill the two, Alecto summons more enforcers to finish them, but Roly-Poly arrives and takes the hit to protect them. Roly-Poly is destroyed after another attack and Luna and Aenea, pushed to the limit by Roly-Poly's sacrifice, attack Alecto in a grievous fury. With their newfound strength, the two destroy Alecto. Afterward, Luna and Aenea grieve for the loss of Roly-Poly and Luna comforts Aenea.

Yuwan battles against Tisiphone but struggles against the blinding speed of its Quantum Blade Naelaon. When Tisiphone tries to finish off Yuwan, Jaythri shields him and is mortally damage. Jaythri expresses her hope she will be reunited with her family in the afterlife and is destroyed by Tisiphone. Yuwan receives reinforcements from the awakened robots who stayed behind, who were inspired to fight when Roly-Poly left to help Luna and Aenea, who give Yuwan time to recover. Seeing only one way to stop Tisiphone, Yuwan orders the other robots to retreat to safety as he confronts Tisiphone with all of his power, a risk that could cost him his life. After fighting Tisiphone for a bit, Yuwan discovers her blades can only strike one at a time at a predictable trajectory and uses this damage to land a critical blow. However, this causes Tisiphone to overclock her power and overwhelm Yuwan, but Mono arrives and shields Yuwan from a fatal blow. Yuwan worries about the injury, but Mono explains that she has chosen this will be her final battle and forces Yuwan to move on while she faces off against Tisiphone. Mono's Alpha Drive proves to be superior and she prepares to finish Tisiphone as her own body nears failure. Mono prepares to destroy Tisiphone along with herself, but before the final blow can be dealt, Urias intervenes and destroys Tisiphone.

Invasion of the Worldreaver[]

In Naterra, Belphomet grows annoyed from the defiance he is facing and sends a new wave of mechanical vines. Still angry, he orders Nerva to send him The Furies. Belphomet unleashes the Furies, which have become further upgraded by connection them to the defense systems from the previous civilization, across Naterra before going into hiding.

Rowen and Valdain are confronted by Megaera and manage to inflict some damage. However, Megaera summons robotic soldiers to aid it and Rowen unleashes the full power of his curse to fight back. Isabelle arrives with Tetra to aid Rowen.

Eris is confronted by Alecto, who revives fallen robotic soldiers to battle. Using her slate to determine Alecto's weak point, Eris counterattacks to draw it away from the Naterra soldiers. Consulting the slate, Eris learns it is linked to the defense system of Naterra's previous civilization and that it can shut down all of the robots if it is disabled. Due to Belphomet hijacking the system, the slate explains that Eris will need to retrieve an administrative key from a statue she previously encountered to gain access. When she finds the statue, she learns she cannot remove the administrative key without activating it and is found by Alecto. Luna and Aenea arrive to aid Eris.

Bayleon is confronted by Tisiphone and manages to hold out against her, but Tisiphone retreats to recharge while sending robot soldiers to weaken Bayleon. Urias and Mono arrive to aid Bayleon. Eris tells Luna and Aenea about how they can stop the robots, but the latter two suddenly run off. They find the statue and discover is bears a resemblance to Roly Poly MK1, but they are found by Alecto who tries to destroy the administrative key. Still grieving over Roly Poly's death, Luna unleashes her necromatic power, but when Alecto tries to fire at her, the statue comes alive and protects her. The statue is revealed to be Roly Poly reborn in a new body and with the statue activated, Eris is able to shut down the furies and the robot soldiers. Tetra and her sisters say their goodbyes to the furies and everyone begins hunting for Belphomet. Belphomet, having absorbed Viridia Magna's power, revives the Furies. However, just as the Furies are about to attack, they suddenly regain their sentience and turn on Belphomet, destroying his barrier at the cost of their lives. Tetra and her sisters are relieved to see the Furies still had a piece of their free will left. Belphomet breaks down at not being able to understand why he couldn't destroy the Furies emotions and the group seizes the moment to attack.

Whispers of Purgation: Last Words[]

Belphomet prepares to annihilate Isunia, but discovers a signature from one of his creations that is already present in Isunia and plans to take it and the device Nerva sent him to find. He summons the Furies, revived and empowered by Nerva, to wreak havoc.

After destroying all the machines near him, Nicola regroups with Eleanor and Setus, the latter from confirms the citizens are all evacuated and safe. Suddenly, the Furies arrive and realizing they are far stronger then the other machines, Eleanor asks Nicola to buy her time to give Setus an opening. Nicola is barely able to fend off the Furies, but he lasts long enough for Eleanor to use her magic to pin them and Setus to defeat them off with the blades. After taking down the Furies, Setus is drained of much strength as a side effect of not yet mastering the blades. In a last-ditch attempt to defeat the Guild Marshals, the Furies attempt to self-destruct, but Eleanor is not concerned, realizing their friends have come to help them.

Isabelle and Luna arrive and the former creates a barrier that protects everyone from the Furies' explosion with the help of the bracelet Arisa gave them.

As Belphomet has collected data on all his enemies from the previous battle and starts the second phase of his plan while planning to figure out what Nerva is after, all of his machines, including the Furies, revive and are now impervious to all attacks. Nicola realizes the only way to stop the machines is to defeat Belphomet and Isabelle and Eleanor create a barrier to give them time to think of a plan.

