The Guild War: Conclusion is the 4th chapter of Story Mode. It takes place after fighting breaks out between the guilds of Isunia.
It consists of 16 chapters and played with various characters.
1: Flames of Conflict[]
As the Bladeright officers under the influence of the strange power battle Countersolari agents, Maisha determines the Bladeright marshal is commanding the Bladeright officers and asks Setus to take care of the citizens while she goes to stop the conflict.
Erika's and Arisa's battle is interrupted by the fighting, Eris arrives and begs the two to put their difference aside. Erika refuses to listen and goes off on her own and Arisa decides to speak with the Bladerights to end the conflict and Eris offers to help.
2: Aflame[]
Eris and Arisa cross paths with Setus, who expresses his confusion to why the Bladeright marshal is causing the conflict when he never mentioned anything about Countersolari attacking or launching a counterattack. The conversation is interrupted by an explosion going off from the Eschamali building and, at Arisa's urging, Eris goes to check on Marlone. Arisa and Setus are ambushed by a Countersolari agent, but Yuwan arrives and helps defeat the agent.
Arisa pleads with the agent to stop fighting, but he refuses because of what the Bladerights did to Countersolari, something Setus didn't know about, and Arisa is forced to knock him out before he can commit suicide. Setus is aware that Countersolari is not responsible for the conflict and that something is not right about it and decides to speak with the Bladeright's marshal with Yuwan joining him, suspecting he might be the vessel of Nerva of Purgation in Isunia. The idea that someone who leads the Bladerights could be a Keeper's vessel confuses Arisa, who decides to go with Setus and Yuwan to prove otherwise.
3: War[]
Eris makes her way past possessed Bladeright officers and reaches the Eschamali building where Marlone defeats Countersolari agents. Marlone is revealed to be unharmed, and he explains the tension between how the Bladerights mistreated Countersolari is the source of the conflict. He explains that he sent his followers out to avoid getting hurt and Eris wonders why the Bladerights are attacking Eschamali when their conflict is with Countersolari as another possessed officer arrives. Urias appears and reveals that the fifth of the five great warriors he sensed hasn't emerged yet and battles the officer alongside Eris.
After the officer is defeated, Urias questions Marlone about the fifth great warrior, but Marlone denies knowing about any such warrior. Urias is displeased with Marlone's uncooperativeness and threats to fight him, knocking Eris to the side. Marlone concedes and reveals the five warriors are the leaders of the five guilds. Urias leaves to investigate the marshal of the Bladerights while Marlone tends to Eris. More officers attack and the two join forces to fend them off.
4: Inferno[]
In the Magis building, Isabelle grows concerned by the noise outside, but Eleanor ignores it and wants to continue her research. Isabelle decides to check out the commotion and says goodbye to Eleanor, calling her a friend. When she gets outside, she learns of the ongoing conflict and encounters Urias. Urias leaves to fulfil his own objectives and Isabelle is saved from some attacking Bladeright officers by Erika. More officers attack and the two separately engage the attackers.
After defeating the officers, Erika warns Isabelle to flee before the conflict gets worse and the latter questions Erika about her strange behavoir. Erika reveals she has sided with Countersolari and leaves after giving a warning. Isabelle witnesses some Eschamali adherents be killed by a Bladeright officer and she kills the officer in rage at his heartless killing and her own indecisiveness. The conflict causes Isabelle to realize the cruelty of war and that Kyle faced it when he was an officer.
5: The Mad Giant[]
Rowen defeats several Bladeright officers, and an explosion goes off near the hill where Nicola was and Rowen decide to find the rest of the group. He quickly finds Isabelle, who wishes to stop the conflict, who agrees to help him and sends him off to investigate the last explosion while she fights off more officers. Rowen finds Nicola defending Luna from an officer and he and Luna fight the next wave of attacks.
After defeating the officers, Nicola asks Rowen to watch over Luna because he senses something bad is going to happen soon. Maisha arrives and Nicola sends Rowen and Luna away as he faces her after removing all his restraints.
6: Hero[]
Arisa, Yuwan, and Setus reach the Bladeright's building, where Setus reveals that the undermarshal, Maisha, was the only one to speak with the Bladeright's Marshal during his recovery. The three break into the Marshal's room, but they discover the Bladeright's Marshal is no more than a puppet being controlled by the Keeper's vessel, causing Arisa to question who is really behind the conflict.
Erika continues fighting against the Bladeright officers with Countersolari and encounters Urias, who reveals he is also hunting the Bladeright's marshal.
In the Eschamali building, Erika realizes the officers are behaving like the shades Nexus of Serenity created and Rowen and Luna arrive to help them fight the attacking officers. When Rowen suggest fleeing the temple, Marlone uses his magic to stop them and reveals he finally realized what is happening as he unlocks his full power.
On the hill, Maisha accuses Nicola that he and Marlone are responsible for the conflict. Nicola responds by revealing he knew there was someone else from another world in Isunia and that they were operating in secret and that person was Maisha, who is truly responsible for the conflict. Maisha admits to this, unsheathes the Bladeright's sword, reveals that she has nearly destroyed both Eschamali and Countersolari, and declares she will become a hero as the power of a Keeper courses through her.
7: Sins[]
Eris questions Marlone why he is unleashing his power and he explains that he is being targeted by the creator of the conflict since he is clever and his body converts itself into magical power, causing his body to constantly produce powerful magic. He reveals that if he doesn't deal with the magic his body produces, it would build up until he exploded, which is why he has markings on his hands which spread his power through his followers to avoid such an outcome. Eris asks Marlone to let the group protect him, but Marlone reveals that when most of his followers were slain, the magic his body produces longer has anywhere to go and he will soon explode. More Bladeright officers attack, but Marlone uses his magic to protect the others and resolves to fight until his magic overwhelms him or he dies in combat. He begs the others to leave and help their friends and Nicola. The group leaves after saying their goodbyes and Marlone finally explodes from his magic.
At the hilltop, Nicola and Maisha sense the explosion from Marlone's death and after fighting with Maisha some more, is brought down by her. Maisha senses that even though Nicola unleashed his full power, he still restrained himself during their fight. Leod Black arrives and discovers the truth about Maisha. He reveals that the magic inside the Bladeright's sword has been spent, and that he wields Countersolari's blade, with doesn't lose the power its stored up, and engages Maisha.
8: Lies[]
Upon realizing who is responsible for the conflict, Setus leaves to end the conflict. Before Arisa and Yuwan can follow him, Erika arrives with Urias in tow and the latter realizes it was Maisha who started the conflict. Arisa refuses to believe Maisha is responsible for the conflict, but Urias tells her to find the truth for herself on the hilltop. Erika stops Arisa from leaving, believing she can't handle the facing the truth, but Arisa decides to go regardless. Before she can go, Bladeright officers appear and attack the group.
After defeating the officers, Arisa asks the others to come with her, but Erika refuses to due her alignment with Countersolari and Urias leaves on his own as well. Yuwan decides to follow Urias and encourages Arisa to go to the hilltop. Arisa hopes that Maisha is innocent, but vows to stop her if she truly is evil.
9: Peerless[]
Isabelle feels the explosion of Marlone's death and confronts more Bladeright officers for cutting down a Countersolari agent, but her words fail to reach the possessed soldiers. The officers begin to overwhelm her, but she is rescued by Eleanor, who admits Isabelle has become her friend and fights alongside her as one.
After defeating the officers, Eleanor reveals that meeting Isabelle changed her and repays the favor by telling Isabelle to stop wavering in her resolve and move on from Kyle's death. When more officers arrive, Eleanor holds them off and tells Isabelle to go where her heart tells her she has to be. Isabell takes Eleanors advice to heart and decides to rejoin the others.
10: Sadness[]
Rowen, Luna, and Eris travel to the hilltop to aid Nicola, but are hindered by more Bladeright officers. Setus arrives and defeats the officers, and Rowen questions him about the war. Setus takes responsibility for not finding out the truth about the Bladeright's marshal sooner and leaves to end the conflict.
After defeating more officers, Rowen decides the three should find Setus and cooperate with him to end the conflict. However, Luna's grief over Marlone's death causes her to storm off. Rowen and Eris see that Luna is heading toward the hill and that Erika is also on her way there. Before the two can follow them, more possessed officers arrive, and Rowen unleashes his new power over his curse to fend them off with Eris backing him.
11: Truth[]
Erika reaches the hilltop where she sees Leod battling Maisha and joins him in battle. When Erika questions Maisha on why she is waging the conflict, the latter reveals she was never after Countersolari, but to be chosen as a Keeper's vessel again. When Erika and the other offworlders arrived in Isunia, Maisha used the opportunity to start the conflict between guilds. Maisha launches a sneak attack on Erika, but Leod takes the blow instead and is mortally wounded. Erika attacks Maisha when she steals Leod's blade and asks her why she is causing so much death and Maisha only answers it is all to become a hero. A dying Leon begs Erika to flee the battle, revealing she looks like his daughter, only to be killed by Maisha. Before Erika can attack Maisha in her grief, Setus appears to stop Maisha, but is brought down by Maisha as well. Maisha prepares to attack Erika again, but is stopped by Arisa, and Yuwan, Rowen, and Eris arrive with her. Maisha repels the group and teleports away, hoping to extend to conflict, claiming once a flower is picked, it is the end. Erika vows vengeance on Maisha for Leod's death but becomes overwhelmed by grief. Eris encourages Erika to move forward, and Arisa begs her to help save Isunia and its people, convincing her to join forces. Setus, who survived Maisha's attack, gets up and vows to stop Maisha while Luna finds Nicola's body.
12: Fate[]
While hunting for Maisha, Erika and Arisa wonder why shy is destroying her home, but Yuwan explains that since she is a Keeper's vessel, she is an offworlder like them and has no attachment to Isunia, guessing she is after to summon Nerva of Purgation, which could cause Isunia to be destroyed. Urias appears and agrees to Arisa's request to join forces and Isabelle arrives as well to help, leaving Luna the only one not present. More controlled Bladeright officers attack, and Yuwan determines Maisha is using her power as a Keeper's vessel to turn the officers into soulless puppets to do her bidding.
After defeating the officers, the group tries to figure out where Maisha went, recalling her earlier words about a flower getting picked. Isabelle realizes that Maisha is going after Eleanor and thought Arisa is worried about Luna, the group rushes to confront Maisha.
13: Obsession[]
As Luna cries over Nicola's body, more controlled officer's attack. Luna fights them in her grief, but before the officers can overwhelm her, Nicola awakens and repels the officers. Nicola explains to Luna that his magical core had stalled up, but he got up when he felt Luna crying, and the two fight against the officers.
After the officers are defeated, Nicola assesses the damage he's taken before deciding to kill Maisha for causing Marlone's death. He asks Luna to come with him and he determines that since Maisha's gone after the other guild marshals, the only one left is Eleanor. He thanks Luna for helping to save him and declares that they will take back what Maisha took from them.
14: Unyielding Will[]
The group makes their way to the Magis building where they see Eleanor battling controlled Bladeright officers. Maisha arrives to attack Eleanor, but Isabelle protects her and Yuwan once questions her on her motives. Maisha reveals that she used to be Nerva's vessel and witnessed her original world be purged by the Keeper. She became awestruck by Nerva's power and wanted more of it, but Nerva abandoned her after her world was destroyed so she sought a way to obtain it. Yuwan is horrified Maisha willingly allowed her world to be destroyed, but Maisha explains she didn't care for her world and that in order to become a worth vessel for Nerva, she started the war to become a hero and call Nerva. Setus arrives and Maisha reveals that when she met him, she came up with her plan to summon Nerva. Maisha summons more controlled officers to attack the exhausted group, revealing that she can make any of the defeated officer's keep fighting so long as they are alive. She then boasts on how she secretly slayed the Bladeright's marshal so she could gain control of the Bladerights, how she raised tensions between the guilds, and how she antagonized Countersolari to set the stage, and then used the offworlder's arrival to start the conflict. She teleports away and leaves her controlled soldiers to finish the group off. Before the officers can finish off the group, Luna and Nicola arrive and help the group fight.
Even though many officers are defeated, they keep getting back up due to Maisha's power. Nicola and Eleanor promise to keep the officers in check while the other go fight Maisha and after they leave, the two discuss the new friends they made and how it's given them the strength to keep fighting.
15: Resolution[]
The group corners Maisha, but Maisha reveals she has both the Bladeright's and Countersolari's blades and uses them against the group. Despite her power and the sword's power, the group resists and battle her.
Through their combined efforts, the group pushes Maisha to the brink of defeat and Nicola and Eleanor arrive and reveal the battle has weakened Maisha to the point she can no longer control the Bladeright officers. Before Nicola can deal the finishing blow, Setus takes it instead. Setus admits he loved Maisha and that as a member of the Bladerights, he has to take responsibility for Maisha's actions and deals the killing blow instead. Afterward, Setus apologizes for his mistakes and declares the conflict over. Erika apologizes for letting the group's presence start the conflict, but Setus assures her that something else would have inevitably started it and that the presence of the group was allowed the conflict to be stopped. He wishes the group luck on their journey across worlds and encourages them to continue now that their business in Isunia is completed. After everyone else leaves, Setus watches over the dying Maisha and says his goodbye to her as he lays her to rest.
16: New World[]
Arisa becomes depressed upon seeing the destruction Isunia has endured but resolves to still save Losaria from Nexus. Urias, Rowen, and Eris discuss the aftermath of the battle, but Rowen assures Eris that so long as the people have survived, so will Isunia. Luna and Isabelle say their goodbyes to Nicola and Eleanor respectively, all having grown from their encounters. Later, Yuwan prepares to take the group to the next world, but an injured girl emerges from a rift who begs for help to save her world.
Special Matches[]
16. All Classes[]
The opponent starts the match with a maximum of 30 health
At the start of the opponent's first turn, the spells Blade of Truth and Blade of Deception are added to the opponent's hand. Blade of Truth costs 5 Play points and has the following effect: Deal 5 damage to the enemy leader. Give your leader the following effect: At the start of your turn, if this your tenth turn or later and you do not a Blade of Truth in your hand, put 1 into your hand (This effect is not stackable and lasts for the rest of the match.)
Blade of Deception costs 4 Play points and has the following effect: Deal 4 damage to all enemy followers.