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The Guild War: Reconstruction is a limited-time chapter not accessible outside of events. It takes place after the events of the Guild War in Isunia.


1. Ebb and Flow[]

Setus reflects on how the fragile peace of Isunia in the past allowed Maisha to unleash the guild war and wreak havoc. In the aftermath, both the guild and people began working together to restore Isunia, but Setus still feels guilt over having to kill Maisha.

Setus leads to Bladerights to wipe out magical lifeforms that appeared and disrupted the reconstruction on the day of a meeting between the guild leaders. A bladeright officer suggest using Isunia's legendary blades to wipe out the magic lifeforms, but Setus explains they are too powerful and it is best they stay locked away as symbols in the Bladeright's headquarters. Setus believes that the Magis Covenant guild is connected to the lifeforms, but acknowledges that the guild has changed and wouldn't pull such a stunt in the name of research. An agent from the Countersolar Guild, which has returned to being the moon corps of the Bladeright's guild, meets with Setus and reveals someone has infiltrated the Bladeright's headquarters. When Setus reaches the headquarters, he discovers is has been robbed and both the sword of truth and the sword of lies have been stolen. Setus realizes the outbreak of creatures was a distraction for the theft and plans to bring it up at the guild meeting.

2. What Bubbles Beneath[]

Despite taking a great hit during the guild war, Eschamali managed to recover thanks to the Marlone's planning and gained a new leader: Nichola. Nichola helps destroy the magical lifeforms across Isunia while the rest of Eschamali handles the financial matters. Nichola determines the lifeforms are far weaker and docile than the ones made by the Magis Covenant and asks the townsfolk for help destroying the harmless pests before heading the guild meeting.

In the aftermath of the guild war, Magis Covenant changed and began openly sharing their research to help with reconstruction. The members of Magis Covenant work to deal with the appearance of the magical lifeforms, which they did not create, since Eleanor has been spending more time outside her lab and experiments. Eleanor begins investigating the outbreak of magical lifeforms and meets with an item trader, who commends her for stepping out of her lab and helping to rebuild Isunia.

3. Drops of Shimmering Dew[]

Setus meets with Nicola, who is exhausted from clearing out the magical lifeforms, just before the guild meeting and they travel to the meeting together. They meet with Eleanor at the Magis Covenant building, but before they can start the meeting, a Bladeright officer breaks into the building and confronts the three guild leaders. He reveals he plans to kill the three to collect a bounty on them and start a new life in another country. He also reveals he set things up so Nichola would be exhausted and without ore to reenergize himself and that he used Eleanor's efforts to remove magic residue pollution the canals to unleash the outbreak of magical lifeforms, including one capable of competing with even Eleanor. Finally, he reveals he stole the two swords from the Bladeright's to use against the Guild Leaders. However, Nichola, having regained his strength by eating an ore sample in Eleanor's lab, destroys the rouge officer's magical lifeform and Setus reveals that Countersolari warned him of the assassination attempt, so they set a trap and chased away the rouge officer's foreign conspirators. The rouge officer tries to use the two swords, but their magic doesn't activate and Setus reveals that only those willing to sacrifice everything can wield them, rendering them useless. The rouge officer surrenders and Setus knocks him out instead of killing him, believing he is partially responsible for the officer's discontent and that he can be reformed. The guild leaders then officially begin the meeting.

Setus narrates that the previous false peace that reigned in Isunia was destroyed, and much was lost during the guild war, but everyone continues to try and move forward to create real peace.
