Shadowverse Wiki
A party? Must be some party if you're trekking through these parts, heh. You shouldn't have to worry about safety on your way to a good time, right? Just let me take the lead and we'll get there in one piece, guaranteed.

Torchbearing Guide is a follower for any class.


Fanfare: Put a random Festive follower (excluding Torchbearing Guide) from your deck into your hand.


Play: "We've got a long way to go."

Attack: "Follow me."

Evolve: "No need to be afraid."

Death: "Looks like a dead end."

Evolved Flair[]

Yo! I'd ask if you had fun, but it's written all over your face. Work hard and play hard, am I right? I imagine you're feeling a bit weary from your travels, so count on me to guide you back home safe and sound.

Full Art[]
