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Shadowverse Wiki
The flesh has rotted away, and even the bones are dust. All that's left is resentment.
Excuse me... Could you please refrain from singing those hymns around me?
Time to put on a show... I'll teach you what I'm all about! Undying Resentment!

Alice Kurobane

Undying Resentment is a spell for the Shadowcraft class. In Shadowverse: Evolve, this card is a spell for the Abysscraft class.


Deal 3 damage to an enemy follower. Necromancy (2): Deal 5 damage instead.


ネクロマンス 2; 3ダメージではなく5ダメージ。

상대방 추종자 하나에게 피해 3.

사령술 2: 피해 3 대신 피해 5.


死靈術 2; 由原本的3點傷害轉變為5點傷害。

Inflige 3 points de dégâts à un combattant adverse.

Nécromancie (2) : Inflige à la place 5 points de dégâts.

Infliggi 3 danni a un difensore avversario.

Necromanzia (2): Infliggi invece 5 danni.

Fügt 1 gegnerischen Vasallen 3 Schadenspunkte zu.

Nekromantie {2}: Fügt stattdessen 5 Schadenspunkte zu.

Inflige 3 de daño a un combatiente enemigo.

Nigromancia (2): inflige 5 de daño en vez de 3.

Change History[]

  • 29/6/2020:
    • Changed from "Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower. Necromancy (2): Deal 4 damage instead." to current effect.

Shadowverse: Evolve Ability[]


Select an enemy follower on the field. Deal it 3 damage and put the top card of your deck into your cemetery.



Full Art[]


Other Languages[]

Language Name
English Undying Resentment
Japanese 消えぬ怨恨
Korean 사라지지 않는 원념
Chinese 不滅的怨念
French Rancœur impérissable
Italian Risentimento Immortale
German Grimmiges Vermächtnis
Spanish Resentimiento Inmortal